37 in 1 Beginner Kit for Micro:bit -...
37 in 1 Beginner Kit for Micro:bit -...
37 in 1 Beginner Kit for Micro:bit -...
37 in 1 Beginner Kit for Micro:bit -...

37 in 1 Beginner Kit for Micro:bit - WE4-004

INSYS EduPro proudly presents the 37 in 1 Beginner Kit for Micro:bit - DR4-000 for those who are interested in learning about Arduino and electronics.
This Sensor Kit includes a selection of 37 sensors and modules for carrying out projects with the Micro:bit, as well as a Sensor Shield, to facilitate connections between the different components and the Micro:bit board
  • Sensor Shield V2
  • White LED Module
  • Piranha white LED module
  • 3W LED Module
  • RGB LED Module
  • Analog temperature sensor
  • Photoelectric cell sensor
  • Analog sound sensor
  • Analog rotation sensor
  • Passive buzzer module
  • Active buzzer module
  • Tilt sensor
  • IR barrier sensor module
  • Touch sensor
  • Traffic light module
  • Current sensor
  • Line follower sensor
  • Obstacle contour infrared sensor
  • PIR motion sensor
  • Flame sensor
  • Shock sensor
  • Analog gas sensor
  • Alcohol sensor
  • Reed Switch Module
  • Water sensor
  • Soil moisture sensor
  • LM35 temperature sensor
  • Vibration sensor
  • Film pressure sensor
  • GUVA-S12SD 3528 ultraviolet sensor
  • 16x2 I2C LCD Display
  • TEMT6000 Ambient Light Sensor
  • Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04
  • Joystick Module
  • Microservo
  • Relay module
  • Steam sensor
  • 40 FF Jumper Cables
  • USB cable
  • Supports 6 AA batteries
37 in 1 Beginner Kit for Micro:bit - WE4-004
Part Number
Código de Produto
Número de items
37 pcs
Plataforma utlizada
Idade recomendada
1 Year + 2nd/3rd Year DL84/2021 (Final Consumer)
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