1. Inforlandia, S.A. (Responsible for Data Processing) promotes the processing of personal data of individual customers, complying with the rules and principles established by the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD).
2. The processing of personal data is justified by the consent given by the holder of the personal data, the negotiation, execution and execution of contracts, the fulfillment of legal obligations and the interests legitimately pursued by INFORLANDIA. The legal basis for the treatment is provided for in the rule of article 6, paragraph 1, als. a), b), c) and f) of the RGPD. The legitimate interests invoked refer to the trade, dissemination and marketing developed by INFORLANDIA in the exercise of its commercial activity.
3. The personal data processed refer to name, age, telephone number, email address, tax identification number and address. If made available electronically, the processed data may include the registration of access to the website and access data to the reserved area such as username and password, and if sent through our website, they are encrypted and protected by advanced security mechanisms and intended for use. It will not allow the management of the website, the reserved access area, development and improvement of services and products made available to the Customer.
When contacting by telephone, INFORLANDIA may record the calls, in order to prove commercial transactions and other communications within the scope of a pre-contractual or contractual relationship, technical assistance and quality of service management. The voice data collected in this way will be eliminated once the negotiation has been frustrated or a period of two years has elapsed after the provision of the service or delivery of the commercialized product.
4. The purpose of collecting and processing data is for the development and dissemination of INFORLANDIA's marketing, products and services, including mailing list, newsletters, management, access, registration and organization of the site, contract management, support customer service, assistance, compliance with legal obligations, litigation management, and data security.
The personal data collected will be kept for as long as INFORLANDIA makes its services and products available to the Client, and may maintain such registration for a period after the termination of such condition, up to the limit of the maximum period of prescription of contractual obligations, which is currently of twenty years, after which they will be eliminated, without prejudice to what was previously established regarding the conservation of voice recording data.
5. The data collected must be accurate and current, are intended for the entity responsible for processing the data, and will not be transmitted to third parties without prior authorization from the holder. This does not prevent them from being shared without this consent for the fulfillment of legal obligations, namely before the Tax and Customs Authority, National Institute of Statistics, ASAE, police or judicial authorities, and other entities before which INFORLANDIA has an obligation to transmission of the Customer's personal data, to the extent necessary for the purpose of such obligation.
6. The consent given by the user can be withdrawn by means of a written communication addressed to INFORLANDIA, the entity responsible for data processing, to the email address privacy@inforlandia.pt, or to the address Av. do Brasil, 194-A, 1700-078 Lisbon.
The total or partial revocation of the consent will not compromise the lawfulness of the previous data processing, nor the need to preserve the treatment that proves necessary to fulfill the purposes provided for in the rule of art. 6, nº 1, als. b) and c) of the RGPD.
The processing of personal data, provided for herein, is a requirement for accessing the services and products marketed by INFORLANDIA, the website features, the management, preparation, fulfillment of orders and contracts, compliance with legal obligations, and its lack matters to impossibility of using the reserved area of the website by the holder of personal data, receiving communications from INFORLANDIA and the limitation in the provision of services that presuppose the processing of personal data.
7. The holder of personal data has the right to access, rectify, erase and limit and oppose the processing of their personal data, as well as the portability of personal data that they have provided that are based on consent and when the processing is automated.
8. The holder of personal data has the right to file a complaint with the authority and control, which in Portugal is the National Data Protection Commission, with premises at Rua de S. Bento, 148, r/C, 1200-821 Lisbon .
9. This communication fulfills the duty of information provided for in the rule of art. 13 of the RGPD.
The relationship with INFORLANDIA presupposes acceptance by the Client of the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy expressed in this document